BACtrack Founder Quoted in The New York Times

BACtrack Founder Quoted in The New York Times

The NTSB's proposal to drop the DUI threshold to 0.05% BAC continues to instigate conversation--most recently in The New York Times. The leading expert in the field they tapped for an informed perspective? BACtrack Founder and CEO, Keith Nothacker. 

“Law-abiding citizens can’t possibly be expected to know the difference between 0.05 and 0.08 blood alcohol content without doing a test," he's quoted saying--which is exactly why using a breathalyzer is so important. 

The journalist mentions that BACtrack Mobile, "displays a graph that predicts blood alcohol levels in the hours to come, all the way down to zero."

They then go on to discuss the differences between breathalyzer types: how semiconductor, fuel cell, and infrared spectroscopy breathalyzers differ. While the infrared units are the most accurate, their general cost (about $10,000) and size (comparable to a desktop printer) make them unattractive to most consumers. Nevertheless, handheld fuel cell units, such as the BACtrack Professional Series do have their value--as "educational tools" Nothacker is quoted saying.

The article closes with an important reminder from J.T. Griffin, a lobbyist at the Washington office of Mothers Against Drunk Driving. Even if a person is below the legal standard for drunkenness, he said, “Impairment does begin before 0.08.” 

Read the full article here.

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